Umbrella Insurance

In the quest for true peace of mind, safeguarding your assets and future might mean leveling up your protection with a personal Umbrella liability insurance policy. Let's explore why this additional safety net could be a game-changer for you.

Image of a house in the suburbs

Feel Secure With An
Extra Level Of

RIght coverage - right price

What Price Can You Put on Peace of Mind?

A personal Umbrella policy isn't just extra insurance; it's an essential layer of security that activates when your standard policies (like home or auto) max out. For a relatively small cost, the tranquility of knowing you're fully covered is priceless.

Are You Covered?

Consider the unexpected – your pet causing harm to someone, an incident on your property, or a fire that spreads beyond your control. These scenarios could easily surpass your current coverage limits, putting your assets and future earnings at risk.

When Your Basic Coverage Ends, Umbrella Insurance Begins:

Your Umbrella policy is there to catch you, offering an additional million dollars in liability protection once your basic policy limits are reached, with options for even higher coverage. It's a conversation worth having with Brooks Green Insurance to tailor the perfect amount of protection for your lifestyle.

Comprehensive Protection:

Beyond just filling the gaps, Umbrella Insurance extends coverage to areas your base policies might not touch. It protects you, your spouse, and all family members living with you, anywhere in the world. Even legal defense fees may be covered, ensuring you're backed up in all corners

Crafting Your Unique Shield:

Your protection needs are as unique as you are. Please connect with Brooks Green Insurance today to find out how you can fortify your safety net with the right personal Umbrella Insurance. Reach out to chat with our friendly team and find the ideal coverage for you.

Embrace the assurance and confidence that comes with knowing you and your loved ones are comprehensively protected, no matter what life throws your way.

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How It Works

  • Provide The Information We Need
  • We Shop Over 25 Carriers
  • Review The Best Options For You
  • Get Your Tailored Insurance Quote
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How it works

Provide The Information We Need:

We require only essential details to comprehensively quote your policy, comparing options across 25+ carriers to find the best fit.

Shop Carriers:

We handpick the finest policy for you from over 25+ carriers, ensuring it aligns with your needs. Enjoy the freedom to explore your options and feel free to ask us any questions along the way.

Review The Best Options:

The choice of insurance carrier is in your hands. Following your policy review, we'll take the next step and reach out to the provider for you, ensuring a seamless experience.

Get Your Proposal:

Receive your tailored proposal and secure coverage at a competitive rate, finalizing your insurance agreement with ease.

Join Brooks Green Insurance Family

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Frequently asked questions

I started into Insurance with one goal in mind: to provide security for you and your family. I work every day to provide the education, understanding, and relief that you need so you can build a better future without worry. Feel free to reach out and we will help answer any question you might have about insurance.

What Types Of Insurance Policies Can I Get A Quote For?  

As independent insurance agents, we can source look for quotes form 25+ different carriers. No matter what type of policy you are looking for we can find the right price for you! Here is a list of common insurance policies we provide:

When Should I Shop For Insurance?

You can shop for insurance at any time- you do not need to wait for your policy to expire. Insurance companies will often refund the unused amount of your policy when you switch to a new carrier. The best time to shop is now!

What Are The Benefits To Working With An Independent Agent Vs A Captive Agent?

The primary difference between an independent agent and a captive agent is who they represent. Because I have access to dozens of insurance carriers, the person I represent is YOU!! I will find the insurance carrier that best fits your needs and budget. Contact me for more details.

How Much Does It Cost To Get An Insurance Quote

I offer insurance quotes at no cost to you! Call me today so I can help you find the policy that fits your needs.

How Do I Make A Claim?

Claims are best made with the carrier provider. Reach out to us and we can help you with your claim and understand the process.